The Early Childhood Precision, Innovation, and Shared Measurement
EC-PRISM and IMPACT are trademarks of the University of Oregon, and licensed to ICS in support of their work. The content created by UO under these marks is available under a Creative Commons BY SA license. Read more at: https://ecmeasures.instituteforchildsuccess.org
The Early Childhood Precision, Innovation, and Shared Measurement (EC PRISM) framework offer a unique approach to early childhood program design, implementation, and evaluation. The EC PRISM team at the Center for Translational Neuroscience provides individualized technical assistance and consulting services to early childhood programs in order to help them build capacity and ultimately increase the impact of their programs. The framework includes structured learning modules that can be customized and delivered through in-person workshops or webinars. EC PRISM Program Consultants (composed of a team of Ph.D., Masters, and Bachelor level staff) work closely with organizations to support the planning, implementation, and evaluation of their programs.