The Center for Translational Neuroscience will offer an evidence-based mentor training workshop series for primary investigators (PIs) September 2020.
Click here to register.
The workshop curriculum was developed by UW Madison’s Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research and addresses the new NIGMS guidelines regarding the preparation of mentors involved in training grants. This workshop series has been tested and shown to be effective in improving mentorship knowledge, skills, and behavior.
Culturally responsive interactions between mentors and trainees play a key role in the success of trainees from underrepresented groups.
This workshop series has been shown to increase these mentor-trainee interactions.
This workshop will span three 3-hour remote zoom sessions on Thursday afternoons in September: Thursday, September 10, September 17, and September 24. These dates are after Labor Day, after 4J is scheduled to resume classes (whatever that means), and before the beginning of UO’s Fall Quarter.
The curriculum provides mentors with an intellectual framework, an opportunity to experiment with various methods, and a forum in which to solve mentoring dilemmas with the help of their peers. The mentor training process expands each mentor’s knowledge through secondhand exposure to the experiences of the entire group, enabling participants to engage with as many mentoring experiences as each of them would typically handle in a decade. This process in turn enhances their readiness to work with diverse mentees and anticipate new situations.
At the completion of the training, mentors will have articulated their own approach to mentoring and have a toolbox of strategies to draw upon when confronted with mentoring challenges.
This workshop is offered free of charge thanks to support from CTN's NIH Funded P50 Center Grant. Click here to register or contact Lisa May at for more information.